Safety Practitioner

  • Has a level of experience in the field gained from on-the-job training classes or working as a safety trainee in a work site, but will need assistance when applying the skills gained from training, and the member’s focus is on development through gaining practical experience during actual work.
  • He can discuss terms, concepts, principles and matters related to safety, and he can use references related to occupational safety and health.
Academic studies and work experience in the field of safety required:
  • At least one year of work experience in the field of safety for holders of a master’s or bachelor’s degree in the field of occupational safety or health from one of the universities classified according to international standards.
  • At least 3 years in the field of safety for holders of a diploma or higher diploma in the field of occupational safety or health from one of the local or foreign universities or institutes classified based on international standards with a practitioner certificate from the Ministry of Human Resources.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in one of the scientific disciplines with international accreditation certificates in the field of occupational safety or health with at least 3 years of experience in the field of safety and passing a practitioner exam from the Ministry of Human Resources.
  • High diploma degree in one of the scientific disciplines with international accreditation certificates in the field of occupational safety or health with at least 5 years of experience in the field of safety and passing a practitioner program from the Ministry of Human Resources (attendance)

Safety Specialist

  • Able to complete the tasks entrusted to him with competence and can usually perform the required skill independently, but he may need to consult an expert in occupational safety and health from time to time, to minimum guidance for successful job performance.
  • Understands and can discuss the application and implications of changes in occupational safety and health processes, policies and procedures.
Academic studies and work experience in the field of safety required:
  • At least 3 years in the field of safety for holders of a master’s degree in the field of occupational safety or health from one of the universities classified according to international standards.
  • At least 5 years in the field of safety for holders of a bachelor’s degree in the field of occupational safety or health from one of the universities classified according to international standards.
  • At least 7 years in the field of safety for holders of a diploma or higher diploma in the field of occupational safety or health from one of the local or foreign universities or institutes classified according to international standards.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in one of the scientific disciplines with international accreditation certificates in the field of occupational safety or health with at least 5 years of experience in the field of safety.
  • High diploma degree in one of the scientific disciplines with international accreditation certificates in the field of occupational safety or health with at least 7 years of experience in the field of safety.
  • He holds a practitioner certificate from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.

Professional Member

  • Recognized within his immediate organization as a decision maker when it comes to occupational safety and health.
  • He can perform procedures related to occupational safety and health without assistance.
  • His work focuses on organizational issues for organizations in relation to occupational health and safety matters.
  • Has the ability to answer difficult or complex questions regarding occupational safety and health.
  • Continuously provides practical and relevant ideas and perspectives on improving practices or processes or how they can be easily implemented.
  • Able to train others in the application of Occupational Safety and Health by simplifying complex nuances into easy-to-understand terms.
  • Participates in high-level OSH discussions; assists in the development of OSH reference materials and resources.
  • Work on formulating solutions regarding compliance with occupational safety and health regulations and developing practical and cost-effective corrective measures.
  • Develop and update safety standards and instructions.
  • Participate in the development and promotion of educational programs for safety at work and outside it. Assigned tasks may include: preparing articles for publication, developing promotional materials, delivering lectures and leading workshops.

Consultant Member in Occupational Safety & Health.

  • Known as an expert in occupational safety and health. Can provide guidance, troubleshoot and answer questions in the safety and health field with the skills he possesses.
  • His role is to draw the long-term goals and strategies of the organizations.
  • Demonstrated consistent excellence in applying these competencies across the many projects he has worked on or the organizations in which he has worked.
  • He is considered the most prominent leader in all matters related to occupational safety and health internally in his organization or external organizations.
  • Able to create reference materials or standards for occupational safety and health.
  • Able to plan and explain the constituent elements of the organizations occupational safety and health management system.
  • Able to lead the development of occupational health and safety reference materials and instructions.
  • Able to explain elements of OSH operations and related issues in relation to organizational OSH issues and trends in sufficient detail during discussions or through assigned assignments.
  • Able to develop safety processes related to risk assessment and management.
  • Able to lead the investigation team on incidents classified as major.
Required work experience in the field of occupational safety and health:
  • At least twenty years in the field of occupational safety and health, including leadership positions


Academic study:

  • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in the field of occupational safety or health from one of the universities classified according to international standards.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher in one of the scientific disciplines with international accreditation certificates in the field of occupational safety and health with at least 5 years of experience in the field of operational safety.